Monday, February 13, 2023

Project Schedule

 Week One- 
-decide genre
-think about story details
-begin developing characters
-watch short films (any genre)

Week Two:
-watch short films (decided film genre)
-contact actors 
-continue to develop characters
-continue to develop story

Week Three:
-start screenwriting
-think about potential postcard designs 
-start to develop a plot structure 
-more assure of story and characters, continue research of how short films execute this

Week Four:
-start storyboarding and potentially shot list
-have a gist of how the story will end and start
-think about the thematic implications of the story and what you want to communicate
-messages, societal commentary
-potential social media campaign

Week Five:
-finalize story and plot
-finish up storyboarding and screenplay
-craft up a shooting schedule and potential locations to film
-do more postcard research 

Week Six: 
-start production, filming
-finalize locations
-try to get a good amount of shots done

Week Seven:
-watch more accredited short films in the genre to make sure I'm on the right track
-start editing clips you've got
-finalize the general design and outlook of production, including key art

Week Eight:
-finish filming
-finalize all production work
-make sure to have all footage necessary 
-finalize postcard design

Week Nine:
-attach the clips from filming and finish up the editing 
-decide what music to use
-finalize edits and have the film ready
-start final reflective comments

Week Ten:
-create final, critical reflection
-post project components to the blog
-say goodbye.

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 Here we are, the last plot of this blog, and the last post of my high school journey with AICE Media. This project has been filled with tri...