Hey!, so here I am, I'm finally making the long-awaited script post, I put a lot into this script. So here's me showing my work off and explaining some of the plot details as we go along.
In this scene, Luca (the name of the syndicate leader) enters his office uninvitedly and questions him regarding the status of the shipment, Draco lets him know that the shipment will be arriving in a week, Luca becomes infuriated and tells Draco that his business is at risk of complete collapse, as well threatening to execute him if the shipment doesn't fall through. Draco becomes stumbled by this and is shaken beyond belief.
Leading up to this scene, Draco enters the office and sees all his gang members beaten up, supposedly due to the other syndicate, Draco climbs over his gang members to see the status of his ARs, he opens the box to see no weapons, just an empty box. Due to this, he rages at the members of the gang since it was their task to have the ARs on the go. Now, he hints that he may walk away from the business and that he may not even be alive to see the world much longer.
Leading up to this scene, Draco goes back to his office where he sees Luca sitting in his chair, and they take him out to an empty field where he'll be executed. Before his eventual death, he takes one last drink, looks up at the sky, and has a little goodbye monologue. After kneeling down to what seemingly is a shot to the head death, a member who betrays Luca shoots him instead and lets him go, sparing his life since another syndicate contacted him stating that there's a job for Draco in which he'll be contacted. After Draco walks away, the camera points to a blank sky and fades to the title.
So yeah, that's the story. I love the little arc the character Draco goes through, and I like my plot twist ending quite a bit. I cannot wait to finally start filming this coming Sunday.
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